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TEFL Certification Online
A Course Comparisons of
Top Selling 120 Hour Online Courses 

TEFL Certification Online - a 120 Hour ReviewTEFL Certification Online - a 120 Hour Review

TEFL certification online. It's a tricky game. Some course providers give such scant information it borders on being useless.

Really how useful is it to say "Our course has a grammar module." In the TEFL market there are more programs than you can shake a stick at.

We sometimes get asked "How do I get my TEFL certification online?" It really is as simple as choosing a reputable program that is accredited, sign up for the course, pace yourself in your studies meaning set aside time on a schedule and stick to it. Most don't find getting their TEFL certification online difficult if they commit to  studying  or developing a routine and grow their confidence in passing the tests. 

Tefl Certification Online and Completion Times

Other questions we get is how long will it take to complete a TEFL course?  Well that depends on length of course. A 60 hour course can be completed quite quickly. 120 hour courses are tougher to complete. In general almost everyone can complete them in the time allotted.

TEFL Certification OnlineTEFL Certification Online

It is good to understand that the course makers are not interested in making it hard or pressuring you into grinding through a course. The whole point of an online course is to allow you the flexibility to fit your course completion around other obligations you may have.

Most 120 hour courses will allow unlimited access to their platform for 6 months or so. Another factor is course structure. Poorly structured courses like Groupon stuff are so fluffy that you can crank through them in no time flat.  Other well structured courses are meatier and take more time.

The Lesson Structure Also Has a Bearing on Things
Some courses kind of muddle things up a bit. When they say 120 hours they may mean 120 lessons. But not all lessons are equal in their content. Some lessons don't take 1 hour to complete but rather can be completed in 30 minutes.

TEFL Course Features & Prices

In this article we are going to touch on and list critical information on popular courses.  We are NOT going to present TEFL certification information on what is termed  "taster courses" or a 50 or 60 teaching hour courses. We are going to  compare online teaching courses that are 120 hours in length. Just scroll down a bit to see the stats on the heavy hitters.

All courses listed here offer purely online TEFL courses Why? Chiefly because of their increasingly popularity in conjunction with the relative and decreasing "punch" a minor practicum adds to the teaching certification. Some of these courses also include a practicum but they are usually a very minor part of the overall course.

  TEFL Certification Online and A Short Note              About Hiring Agents and Recruiters

We have found that many hiring agents or recruiters don't  place so much emphasis on whether the certification carries a practicum and how long that practicum is. Practicum - meaning observed actual teaching. 

Another factor that is often overlooked is that many practicums are termed "mock practicums". What this means is that the people observing your ESL lesson are your classmates and not seasoned TEFL certified teachers who have been slugging it out in the trenches for years. Not something that should be overlooked.

So in other words, a practicum that is 15 hours vs. a practicum of 6 hours in any given online course would rarely be the deciding factor in the actual hiring of the ESL instructor.

Instead other things such as the quality of writing in the  cover letter, and resume and its design or layout play a pretty big role in whether the hiring manager moves  your resume to the top of the pile or the bottom of the garbage can.

Or in the case where the applicant is termed a non-native teacher and introduces him or herself skillfully or gives an interview in a  multi-media format in the application procedure hold more sway than certification.

These "first impressions" steps, if you will, often carry a lot of weight.  Perhaps as much or more than a practicum and are often deciding factors in the actual hiring.

In our TEFL FAQ we noted that online TEFL certificates with a practicum may trump ones that don't have a practicum or "hands-on actual teaching experience" section to them. But any amount of actual in-the-trenches teaching experience is seen more favorably than only certification even if it includes a practicum.

Some hiring agents also are aware that some of these practicums are "mock" practicums in that an applicants teaching performance is being judged by fellow applicants. Here is a list of recruiters for extra help.

In no way are we saying that teaching methodology in not important. It is a critical foundation. 

But instead we are focusing on those types of courses that combine a good or heavy dose of teaching methodology along with guidance from certified and battle tested instructor who form the personal back-bone of the many  TEFL certificate courses that are offered for sale in the market place. These are the factors that separate the mediocre courses from the ones that make you feel "man I got my money's worth!"

TEFL Certification Online and Some Market Realities

We are also not going to touch the never ending debate about CELTA certification vs. TEFL etc. Why? Because it is a more or less apples to oranges comparison. Although we do touch on it on our TEFL FAQ page you can check that out as it answers quite a few more questions related to TEFL certificate courses and their role in getting hired to teach in Japan. 

Another big thing to be aware of is that most online TEFL courses  often run sales throughout the year. Or give promotional codes to their affiliates who in turn pass them on to their visitors.

So price swings will occur, so anything you see is simply the latest prices so keep in mind you'll need to check with the actual provider for the very latest prices. It would also be a good idea to subscribe to our RSS feed as we notify job hunters of any or all site changes to include fire sales on TEFL courses and so on.

TEFL Certification Online - The 120 Hour Course

Level 5 TEFL Courses (168 hours)
Our mission is to offer the most accessible, flexible and cost-effective way to get TEFL-qualified, with more ongoing opportunities for successful graduates than any other TEFL course provider.

Core Information at a Glance

  • Length: 168 Hours
  • Completion Time: 4 to 8 Weeks 
  • Sale Price: $238 USD. Regularly $530 USD
  • Accreditation: Ofqual, Qualifi, DEAC- Approved for AQS Status
  • Dedicated 24/7 Tutor and Tech Support Feedback non-academic enquiries are also welcome.
  • TEFL Learning Center Access
  • Job Board for Course Graduates

Mytefl 120 Hour Course
Whether you are a total beginner looking for a comprehensive TEFL program, or a veteran seeking to upgrade your classroom management skills, we have the right solution for you! description of pic

Core Information at a Glance

  • Length: 120 Hours
  • Eligible for Clair Grant for current JET Program participants
  • Completion Time: 4 to 8 Weeks 
  • Sale Price: $209.30 USD. Regularly $299.00 USD
  • Accreditation: IATEFL, OTTSA
  • Dedicated 24/7 Tutor and Tech Support Feedback 
  • Full Library Access: Intensive Grammar Units
  • Job Board for Course Graduates

Premier TEFL - 120 Hour Course
description of pic Expansive, educational and extremely engaging, Premier TEFL courses provide you with all the training you need to confidently teach English abroad.

Core Information at a Glance

  • Length: 120 Hours
  • Completion Time: 6-8 Weeks
  • Sale Price: $229 USD. Regularly $389 USD
  • AccreditationACDL & TQUK accredited
  • Personal Tutor Support and Job Hunting Advice

TEFL Institute of Ireland 120 Hour TEFL Course
Travel across 4 continents with our internationally
recognized & accredited TEFL training.
description of pic

Core Information at a Glance

  • Length: 120 Hours of Advanced Lesson Training
  • Government Training Support Grant Available
  • Completion Time: 6 Months
  • Sale Price: $122.15 USD . Regularly $354.00 USD
  • Accreditation: ACDL, TQUK
  • Dedicated Tutor Feedback 
  • Job Board for Course Graduates

Regarding whether or not hiring bodies actually make distinctions on what the qualifying or accrediting body is, the short and long of it is that they don't or are unaware of some of the differences in them.

In fact, regarding TEFL certificate courses, we will go as far as to say that even some  who offer the courses don't know much regarding the differences and considering that if you call them up and ask them some nitty-gritty questions about what their, for example, grammar module is composed of they often say, "It is classified," or "We can't give out that information."  Thus believing that their TEFL certificate course is proprietary in nature when in fact its content can't be.

Articles Related to TEFL Certification Online

Online TEFL - A nice little chart comparing popular courses. 
Online TEFL Course - Tips and strategies for picking online TEFL courses plus what to look for when shopping for TEFL certification.
TEFL Courses - Our FAQ on the basics of TEFL courses.
TEFL - TEFL placement programs. How they can help you get your 1st job teaching in ESL in Japan and avoid recruiter scams.
TEFL Course Selection - How much is enough? A little insight into the merits of short teaching certification courses vs. long ones.
TEFL Certification - Will teaching certification help me compete against English teachers with actual teaching experience?
ESL Training - Some myth busting on market realities regarding ESL.
TEFL Program - On-line courses vs. On-site courses.
TESOL On-Line - What career advantages can you expect from getting your online certification in TESOL?

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